I'm so excited that I finally received my copy of Domino, The Book of Decorating yesterday! It's such a gorgeous cover let alone the stunning images inside. It's going to take a good few cups of tea to get through this beauty! Tracey x…
I'm so excited that I finally received my copy of Domino, The Book of Decorating yesterday! It's such a gorgeous cover let alone the stunning images inside. It's going to take a good few cups of tea to get through this beauty! Tracey x…
I just love this office space via Better Homes and Gardens. It's a great mix of styles which really work together well in this room. Pink roses always uplift a room! Happy new week all! …
This is one of my favorite places to visit in Brisbane. Tracey and I came out to visit our mum and dad who live on the water in Cleveland. It's such a peaceful coastal town, and we had some fun this week taking some photos in one our favorite little spots at Cleveland Point.This place pictured abov…
via Myra Hoefer DesignThis looks like the kind of hotel room I would love to be spending my weekend in - very relaxing! Hope you all have a fabulous weekend. Tracey x…
via O at Home via Desire to Inspire unknown sourceI love seeing small overlooked spaces such as entries and hallways used as a feature by adding striking wallpapers or turning an area into a picture gallery. These images I saved for that reason - they show how with a little imagination, these spac…
via Martha Stewart Home Isn't this house just the perfect package? I love the hedge out the front, the lamp post, the shutters on the windows and the off centre chimney. This is an example of the perfectly presented home! I'm excited to think of the projects that we are going to be working on th…
via House BeautifulDon't you love when the weekend arrives at the end of a busy week? I can't wait to put this week behind me after arriving home yesterday to find a snake in my bird cage and my beautiful little finch gone. How distressing! I had to ring the "snake catcher" to remove it as I was so…
We all know that green is my favourite colour and you all may be a little sick of how often it pops up in our Porchlight posts but I just had to share my love of these Jonathan Adler interiors featuring a unique shade of the above mentioned colour. How gorgeous are the green chippendale chairs?…
What an awesome opportunity for us to unite in our way of thinking and reach out to those in greater need. Tracey and I have been helping to raise money for this particular projectBe A Hero Australia - the MIRACLE Zonesince this time last year when we met David from Be a Hero Australia while we were…
I love to see collections of beautiful things displayed throughout the home. These pieces can add so much interest to a room and they don't have to take a huge amount of space. These images are from Tine K Home and Chenille Home. Hope you all have a lovely weekend.…
via O at HomeI just love bookshelves behind lounges like these images. Its such a gorgeous and interesting backdrop - like a big wall of art that can be ever changing. The top image is Oprah's private library. The second image I had saved from I Suwannee blog - its just gorgeous.…
Wishing all a happy and restful weekend! It's the end of school holidays here in Queensland and I must say I am looking forward to some quiet time next week - not that I don't love doing my shopping with three boys. Love this image via Donna Hay's website - the styling in all her cookbooks are jus…